The Fascia, I believe, is the most important connective tissue of the body. It has recently been classified as its own organ system. Fascia is the most abundant connective tissue within the body and forms tracks throughout, providing pathways for communication, protection and renewal.
A good book of reference is Anatomy Trains by Thomas W. Myers. His book has fantastic pictures showing the Myofascial Meridians thought the body, demonstrating how damage within the ankle can affect and cause pain of the head. This book reinforces how interconnected and intelligent the body is at creating compensations to promote function. This is why it is best to treat the body as a whole, as nothing works in isolation.
Fascia tissue protectively surrounds nerves, blood vessels and organs. If this surrounding Fascia becomes restricted, the function of the encased organ or system becomes inhibited. Through my study of Visceral Manipulation I have learnt techniques of diagnosing were and how to release these restrictions. The results continually surprise me how effective and simple they are to preform, and provide increased mobility and function, and reduced pain.
There is also a protective Fascial system within the central nervous system, head and spine. When an impact is sustained to our heads, spine or tail bone the pressure is held within this fascial system and can manifest in a diverse range of symptoms, depending on the injury type and holding pattern of compensation. Some of these symptoms can include, headaches, dizziness, foggy brain and mood irregularities. CrainioSacral Therapy is excellent at treating these dysfunctions, and is gentle and non-invasive. Because of this, it is often used to treat new born babies who are suffering from birth complications, that can cause digestive and settling problems.